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时 间:2017-12-03
简 介:终极格斗大赛(Ultimate Fighting Championship )简称UFC,是美国举办的综合格斗(MMA)赛事,1993年11月12日在美国科罗拉多州举办首届赛事。UFC允许任何门派的武术(如空手道、柔术、中国功夫、相扑等)和奥运会的体育项目(如拳击、柔道、摔跤、跆拳道)参加比赛,并在统一的规则下决出哪种功夫最厉害。MMA比赛已逐步成为世界搏击类比赛的最终发展方向。现代的职业MMA运动员都是一些技艺高超的选手,他们都经过了多年的专业训练。现在的MMA运动员,都是世界顶尖级的选手。前奥运会和世界锦标赛的摔跤、柔道、空手道、踢拳、柔术冠军,组成了MMA优秀的参赛队伍。 UFC的规则是,除了啃咬,金属物攻击跟伤害对手眼睛外,一切攻击均可视为有效,因此吸引了柔道家,空手道家,泰拳高手等,几乎囊盖世界格斗门派的各类格斗家参与。如今,它的实况同时被40个国家转播,可称为世界上最血腥,最暴烈,最精彩的格斗大赛。格斗是在一个被金属网包围的八角形场地中进行的。
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时 间:2009-08-18
简 介:Justin Timberlake releases the FutureSex/LoveShow From Madison Square Garden Blu-ray. In addition to the full concert from his New York performance at MSG in August 2007, this release also includes a song by song running commentary from Justin, an in-depth look at the making of the show and an additional 80 minutes of special never before seen extras. Special features include behind-the-scene concert and backstage footage, a distinct ultra hi-speed bonus concert music video, and exclusive access to full length interviews with Justin, the band, and crew, giving the viewer an intimate look at the energetic buzz of activities before, during and after the show.
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