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火星云分发视频2 2005 电影 8.0
别 名: 勇敢的人
地 区: 美国
导 演: Lane Nishikawa
主 演: Lane Nishikawa 贾森·斯科特·李 马克·达卡斯考斯
简 介:

In 1953, Jimmy Takata (Nishikawa) suffers from "battle fatigue" (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder), to the great concern of his wife, Mary (Tomita). Raised in Hawai'i, Takata and some of his friends enlisted in the 100th Battalion, serving in the European Theater of Operations. In a series of flashbacks, he remembers the war and events in his life surrounding it. Following a head injury, he begins to have visions, and believes that he is seeing memories of other men, including his friend Fred...

视频发布测试-2 2005 电影 8.0
别 名: 勇敢的人
地 区: 美国
导 演: Lane Nishikawa
主 演: Lane Nishikawa 贾森·斯科特·李 马克·达卡斯考斯
简 介:

In 1953, Jimmy Takata (Nishikawa) suffers from "battle fatigue" (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder), to the great concern of his wife, Mary (Tomita). Raised in Hawai'i, Takata and some of his friends enlisted in the 100th Battalion, serving in the European Theater of Operations. In a series of flashbacks, he remembers the war and events in his life surrounding it. Following a head injury, he begins to have visions, and believes that he is seeing memories of other men, including his friend Fred...

皮克精 演示视频 8.0
地 区: 内地
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简 介:

2008年6月,华游网络科技有限公司着手研发一款3D MMO游戏,游戏代号为NY。 目前第二款3D MMO游戏作品也已经策划完毕,将在今年进行开发。

斯温swain对战视频 8.0
地 区: 内地
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简 介:

  LOL即网络游戏《英雄联盟》(League of Legends)的缩写,LOL是美国RoitGames最新开发的3D即时战略网游,是由DotA-Allstars原班人马精心打造,将这一经典玩法从对战平台延伸到真正的网络世界的网游巨作。游戏继承了DotA的快节奏,多种策略,团队作战,多样化的英雄选择,支持最多6V6对战模式。   LOL是美国Roit Games最新开发,由腾讯代理的3D即时战略网游。《League of Legends》(以下简称LOL)由DotA-Allstars原地图作者Steve Guinsoo(DotA主要开发者,DotA中的邪恶镰刀以其名字命名。现任LoL游戏英雄背景、技能、角色概念设计)和Tom Cadwell(前暴雪员工,War3主策划、War3数值平衡师、WOW系统策划师,现任Lol游戏系统主策划)精心打造,将DOTA这一经典玩法从对战平台延伸到真正的网络世界的网游巨作。

针灸教学视频(考试辅导) 2011 9.0
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