- 马克·达卡斯考斯
- 性 别:男
- 职 业:-
- 生 日:1964
- 地 区:美国夏威夷
- 火星云分发视频1 2005 电影 8.0
- 别 名:勇敢的人
- 地 区: 美国
- 导 演: Lane Nishikawa
- 主 演: Lane Nishikawa 贾森·斯科特·李 马克·达卡斯考斯
简 介:
In 1953, Jimmy Takata (Nishikawa) suffers from "battle fatigue" (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder), to the great concern of his wife, Mary (Tomita). Raised in Hawai'i, Takata and some of his friends enlisted in the 100th Battalion, serving in the European Theater of Operations. In a series of flashbacks, he remembers the war and events in his life surrounding it. Following a head injury, he begins to have visions, and believes that he is seeing memories of other men, including his friend Fred...
- 火星云分发视频2 2005 电影 8.0
- 别 名:勇敢的人
- 地 区: 美国
- 导 演: Lane Nishikawa
- 主 演: Lane Nishikawa 贾森·斯科特·李 马克·达卡斯考斯
简 介:
In 1953, Jimmy Takata (Nishikawa) suffers from "battle fatigue" (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder), to the great concern of his wife, Mary (Tomita). Raised in Hawai'i, Takata and some of his friends enlisted in the 100th Battalion, serving in the European Theater of Operations. In a series of flashbacks, he remembers the war and events in his life surrounding it. Following a head injury, he begins to have visions, and believes that he is seeing memories of other men, including his friend Fred...
- 视频发布测试-2 2005 电影 8.0
- 别 名:勇敢的人
- 地 区: 美国
- 导 演: Lane Nishikawa
- 主 演: Lane Nishikawa 贾森·斯科特·李 马克·达卡斯考斯
简 介:
In 1953, Jimmy Takata (Nishikawa) suffers from "battle fatigue" (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder), to the great concern of his wife, Mary (Tomita). Raised in Hawai'i, Takata and some of his friends enlisted in the 100th Battalion, serving in the European Theater of Operations. In a series of flashbacks, he remembers the war and events in his life surrounding it. Following a head injury, he begins to have visions, and believes that he is seeing memories of other men, including his friend Fred...
- 内容发布测试 2005 电影 8.0
- 别 名:勇敢的人
- 地 区: 美国
- 导 演: Lane Nishikawa
- 主 演: Lane Nishikawa 贾森·斯科特·李 马克·达卡斯考斯
简 介:
In 1953, Jimmy Takata (Nishikawa) suffers from "battle fatigue" (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder), to the great concern of his wife, Mary (Tomita). Raised in Hawai'i, Takata and some of his friends enlisted in the 100th Battalion, serving in the European Theater of Operations. In a series of flashbacks, he remembers the war and events in his life surrounding it. Following a head injury, he begins to have visions, and believes that he is seeing memories of other men, including his friend Fred...
- 陆大侠精选集 2005 电影 8.0
- 别 名:勇敢的人
- 地 区: 美国
- 导 演: Lane Nishikawa
- 主 演: Lane Nishikawa 贾森·斯科特·李 马克·达卡斯考斯
简 介:
In 1953, Jimmy Takata (Nishikawa) suffers from "battle fatigue" (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder), to the great concern of his wife, Mary (Tomita). Raised in Hawai'i, Takata and some of his friends enlisted in the 100th Battalion, serving in the European Theater of Operations. In a series of flashbacks, he remembers the war and events in his life surrounding it. Following a head injury, he begins to have visions, and believes that he is seeing memories of other men, including his friend Fred...
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- 01:50
伊布儿子马克西米利安 对阵萨索洛U18的进球
时 间:2024-07-19
简 介:意大利足球甲级联赛(Serie A,简称“意甲”)是意大利最高等级的职业足球联赛,由意大利足球协会(Federazione Italiana Giuoco Calcio,FIGC)所管理。意甲是世界上水平最高的职业足球联赛之一,其特点为注重防守,并且球星云集。被誉为小世界杯。 近几年由于全球的经济低迷、电话门事件和球迷骚乱,意甲的状况不容乐观与英超和西甲的差距正在进一步拉大。
- 01:41
法国总统马克龙赛前来到球员通道 与姆巴佩握手耳语
时 间:2024-05-26
简 介:法国足球甲级联赛(Championnat de France de football Ligue 1,法语通常简写为 Ligue 1 或者是 L1,中文通常简称“法甲”)是法国最高级别的职业足球联赛,由法国足球协会(Fédération Française de Football)所组织。
时 间:2024-05-21
简 介:西班牙足球甲级联赛 在中国则一般简称为“西甲”是西班牙最高等级的职业足球联赛,也是欧洲及世界最高水平的职业足球联赛之一。目前西甲有20支球队,联赛成绩最差的三队将会降级到乙级联赛,乙级联赛的前三名则晋升到甲级联赛。西甲联赛的积分规则是,双方积分相同时,首先按相互间胜负关系决定排名,胜负关系相同再看净胜球。 西甲联赛的球风注重技术与进攻,具有很强的观赏性。按国际足联和欧洲足联的官方积分,西甲已经多年位于积分榜的首位。西甲在球员和球迷心中有相当大的号召力,目前有许多世界最著名的足球运动员在西甲联赛踢球,其中皇家马德里和巴塞罗那是世界上最著名的球队之一,他们之间的比赛被称为西班牙“国家德比”,在中文媒体中也称为“世纪大战”。 。
- 06:51